content1 – Technical Writing Today: Workshops & Hints Thu, 26 Aug 2021 10:22:05 +0000 en-US hourly 1 content1 – 32 32 Open-Source Techniques to Attain a Tech Writing Job Thu, 26 Aug 2021 10:21:59 +0000 Are you looking for a job as a tech writer for an organization? Would you like to learn about the up and running open source techniques? If your answer is yes, then this article is for you. In this article, we shall look at open source tech writing in-depth. The content that we will cover will give you an upper hand when it comes to this area. It is a new age of tech writing, and you do not want to be left behind.

Technical writing is advancing with the boost in open-source operating systems. However, the advancements mean that you must be in the know to gain enough intelligence to acquire a job in this field. But worry not, the tips that we shall provide in this article will help you achieve a job and keep it. Hence follow along as we look at how to get a tech writing job.

Reader’s feedback loop

Who comes to mind when you think about technical writing jobs? It should be the consumer. I mean, the whole documentation issue is to help the consumer learn more about the product that the company is offering. Hence this should be your principle in technical writing; always have the consumer in mind.

The Open source system provides you with links to gain almost immediate responses from the consumer. It would help if you used this to boost your interaction with the consumer. Get to learn what they want and apply it in your next article. Improve your current article regarding the concerns of the consumer. Within no time, your stats will be off the charts.

Hence the critical point to consider is that you require to review your article’s feedback. Only by doing so will you get insight into your improvements, downsides, and strong points.

Living document

The internet can be a friend and a foe. It can help you boost your stats and skills by reading other people’s articles. But also remember that other people will be reading the articles that you publish. And the critical point to note is that the writing you publish today might be read by another person years from now. As they always say, “the internet does not forget,” it also does not delete.

Once you publish an article on the open-source platform to gain feedback and get negative feedback, try to improve; otherwise, the article will haunt you for years to come. Review each paper you publish after sometimes to take care of errors.

Also, you should note that when you apply for a technical writing job, your employer will review your profile. That means that they will dig up all the past papers, and trust me, those with negative comments will stand out.

Avoid active voice

Technical writing today is way different from tech writing a couple of years back. Back then, using an active voice might have been overlooked but not anymore. Most readers view an active voice as rudely writing. Hence it would help if you avoided it at all costs. Try to put in a personal voice, even when providing a guide. Your reader can follow along pretty well while not feeling like they are being pushed to do stuff.


The open-source techniques provided in this article are pretty effective. If you apply them effectively, you will undoubtedly attain a technical writing job within no time. The tips also help sell a companies’ product to consumers. Hence if you apply them in your career, then you will be gaining a promotion pretty soon. That is what effective technical writing is all about.

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Writing Workshop: The Essential Guide to a Responsive Classroom Thu, 26 Aug 2021 10:21:57 +0000 Are you a teacher? Are you wondering how you could help your students improve their writing skills? If your answer is yes, then this article is meant for you. We shall look at a technique known as writing workshops. The method is not only effective in boosting students writing abilities but also their responsiveness. It is hence a pretty essential skill that you should use in your classroom.

The writing workshop teaching strategy has been used by a lot of teachers over the years. Most of the teachers who use it bear witness to its effectiveness. If you have never heard of this technique, then worry not because we have got you. We shall look at how you can implement writing workshop in classroom strategy effectively. Hence without further ado, let us get right into it.

What exactly is a writing workshop?

Do you provide your students with a topic to write about and live them to ponder over it? How about you switched this monotonous habit into letting your students decide what they want to write. That is what writing workshops are all about. You set aside some time for your students to write, but let them choose a topic they like. Students enjoy writing content based on a topic that they want.

To increase a student’s ability to write, students require three things, that is:

  1. Owning their content
  2. Guidance from experienced writers
  3. Community support of fellow students

When you implement the strategy of writing workshops, you are providing all these aspects on a silver platter. You provide your students with sufficient writing time, which in turn boosts their writing capability. What is more, your students get a chance to view themselves as better writers and, in time, grown to become great in this field. Writing workshop elementary classroom work best due to nurturing young minds. Of course, older kids require set topics most of the time.

Writing workshop essential guide


A mini lesson only lasts for about 15 minutes tops. It is a lesson of strategy. Here you get to bring together all your students to discuss a common topic. The topic should be pretty straightforward, one that each student can easily undertake without so much as a challenge. Here students and the teacher do the following:

  1. Raise concerns
  2. Explore different issues
  3. Model some technique
  4. Reinforce your strategy

You can get guides of mini-lessons from many sources, from the prepared curriculum to the internet. It would help if you also got to know your students’ needs before you commence this lesson. Their needs can be the agenda.

There are 4 main parts of this lesson

  1. Connection
  2. Teaching
  3. Active engagement
  4. Link

Status update

It mostly takes about three to five minutes. In this stage, you check on your students to identify where they are as per their papers. That is, are they in the following stages:

  1. Drafting
  2. Revising
  3. Editing
  4. Evaluating
  5. Publishing

You can use a record board to capture this data to avoid wasting a lot of time at this stage.


Take around twenty to forty-five minutes. At this moment, let your students go wild in their writing. You can be undertaking your writing too or helping your students when they get stuck. Make sure you stick around in class for this stage; remember you are their expert writer. You also get to know what each student is working on.


The sharing period takes around five to fifteen minutes. In this stage, your students get to effectively share their writing with classmates. Here is a tip that you can implement to make this step more effective.

  1. Have students record in case all the students are sharing. You can then mark the students who have shared.
  2. You can also make use of groups. Students can sit around in groups and share information on their writing. Pretty effective!

Teaching grammar in writing workshop also works. You can set aside time to assist the students having grammar trouble in their writings.


Writing workshops in classrooms are pretty effective. We hope this article will help you implement this strategy in your classroom.

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